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Working together to fight the epidemic

Views: 45     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-08-21      Origin: Site

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During the epidemic on January 25, GMY utilized the existing raw materials to produce 700 sets of ultraviolet germicidal lamp fixtures. Later that night the fixtures were shipped and donated to Wuhan, Chibi, Huanggang, Enshi and other 26 designated hospitals. On January 31, GMY cooperated with Guangzhou Fudan University Alumni Association and donated 2,000 sets of UV light to Leishenshan Hospital, and later together with chamber of commerce, we donated 1550 sets of UV light fixture to some other hospitals.


GMY is a solutions company for lighting systems and components, and currently has 146 authorized patents on different products, including LED filament lamps, LED spotlights, energy-saving halogens, ultraviolet germicidal lamps, and automotive headlights etc. Our R&D innovations and customized solutions constitute the core competitiveness of the company. After experiencing this epidemic, everyone has paid more attention to the health committee, and the demand for sterilization and disinfection will increase. The company will also focus on increasing the scientific research investment on ultraviolet disinfection lamps.

Creating Better Life with Light



  No.328 Xinxing Road,  Gonghe  Town,  Heshan City, Guangdong, China
  +86-750-830-9207
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