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International Beauty Expo Concludes with A Flourish

Views: 1240     Author: GMY     Publish Time: 2024-09-09      Origin: Site

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On September 6th, the 65th Guangzhou (International) Beauty Expo successfully concluded at the Pazhou Exhibition Center. The expo attracted exhibitors and professional visitors from around the world, and GMY's innovative infrared beauty and health solutions and medical aesthetic lighting technology applications stood out as one of the key highlights. These innovations caught the attention of media including "Dialogue with Brands."


△Chairman Eward Hong being interviewed by the "Dialogue with Brands" segment.

New Product Launch, Highly Acclaimed

At this Guangzhou Beauty Expo, GMY's high-energy infrared therapy device made its debut, immediately capturing the interest of numerous merchants. Using water-filtered infrared light technology, the device delivers a continuous and stable output of high-energy infrared light, penetrating tissues over 7 centimeters deep for profound thermal penetration. Many merchants who tried it out in person gave it high praise for its tangible benefits. Moreover, they believe the product has significant application effects and broad market potential in the beauty and health sectors.

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During the expo, GMY discussed the multifaceted uses of lighting technology in beauty and health with a wide range of merchants. We look forward to partnering with more collaborators to advance innovation and growth in these sectors through optoelectronic technology.



Creating Better Life with Light



  No.328 Xinxing Road,  Gonghe  Town,  Heshan City, Guangdong, China
  +86-750-830-9207
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