
Excimer Lamp

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172nm Excimer Lamp

  • 172nm Excimer Lamps - Photocleaning
    GMY's 172nm UV light cleaning technology is based on the principle of photochemical oxidation. By irradiating the organic material's surface with UV light, it generates free radicals, oxidizing organics into water and carbon dioxide, effectively removing surface contaminants.
  • 172nm Excimer Lamps - Photocuring
    GMY's 172nm excimer light curing technology harnesses high-energy 172nm UV light for rapid material curing with precise surface control. Compared to traditional UV curing, it shortens curing time and enhances surface modification effects.
  • 172nm Excimer Lamp - TOC Removal
    GMY provides innovative 172nm excimer lamp technology for the efficient degradation and reduction of total organic carbon (TOC) in water. By generating free radicals, our UV light systems oxidize organic matter into CO₂ and H₂O molecules. This advanced technology is particularly suitable for ultra-pure water production.

Creating Better Life with Light



  No.328 Xinxing Road,  Gonghe  Town,  Heshan City, Guangdong, China
  +86-750-830-9207
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